
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 8/10/2018 12:00:00 AM  

If I Were Imran by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:1020 Replies:0 
IK has yet not taken over but a subtle scheme of affairs has already been started against him by his opponents to not let him succeed. In that a doubt is being created about his capabilities in the mind of the innocent Pakistanis by some Click here to read Full Article
ایران جیکٹ ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:781 Replies:0 
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جرات کا مظاہرہ ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:780 Replies:0 
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بہادروں کا شیوہ ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:797 Replies:0 
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پی ٹی آئی اور ایم کیو ایم کا معاہدہ ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:811 Replies:0 
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سابق حکمرانون کا احتجاج کیارنگ لائے گا؟غلام مرتضیٰ باجوہ
Posted By: Bajwa77 On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:800 Replies:0 
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امریکہ افغان طالبان سے براہ راست مزاکرات پر مجبور۔میرافسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 10/Aug/2018 Views:738 Replies:0 
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